Diversity Conference
6 juni | Zaventem, Brussel
DE&I Omarmen in Turbulente Tijden
The countdown to this event is over!
Neem deel aan het eerste diversiteit & inclusie event in België! Kom samen met een honderdtal bedrijven zoals het jouwe ontdekken hoe we samen deze woelige tijden kunnen navigeren.
Deze conferentie is ook de officiële start van het Belgisch Diversiteitscharter.
Ontdek het programma
Officiële Opening & Debat

Workshops & Signing Ceremony
Ontmoet onze sprekers
Alvin Rogers
Alvin Rogers is a highly accomplished and sought-after speaker, renowned for their expertise and captivating stage presence. With a diverse background in [relevant field or industry], they bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to every speaking engagement. Their dynamic and engaging style seamlessly combines powerful storytelling with actionable insights, leaving audiences inspired and equipped with practical strategies for success. Alvin has delivered impactful keynote addresses at prestigious conferences and corporate events worldwide, consistently receiving rave reviews for their ability to connect with and energize audiences. Whether addressing topics such as [specific areas of expertise], leadership, or innovation, Alvin is dedicated to empowering individuals and organizations to reach their full potential.
Lisa Smith
Lisa Smith is a highly accomplished and sought-after speaker, renowned for their expertise and captivating stage presence. With a diverse background in [relevant field or industry], they bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to every speaking engagement. Their dynamic and engaging style seamlessly combines powerful storytelling with actionable insights, leaving audiences inspired and equipped with practical strategies for success. Lisa has delivered impactful keynote addresses at prestigious conferences and corporate events worldwide, consistently receiving rave reviews for their ability to connect with and energize audiences. Whether addressing topics such as [specific areas of expertise], leadership, or innovation, Lisa is dedicated to empowering individuals and organizations to reach their full potential.
James McGiven
James McGiven is a highly accomplished and sought-after speaker, renowned for their expertise and captivating stage presence. With a diverse background in [relevant field or industry], they bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to every speaking engagement. Their dynamic and engaging style seamlessly combines powerful storytelling with actionable insights, leaving audiences inspired and equipped with practical strategies for success. James has delivered impactful keynote addresses at prestigious conferences and corporate events worldwide, consistently receiving rave reviews for their ability to connect with and energize audiences. Whether addressing topics such as [specific areas of expertise], leadership, or innovation, James is dedicated to empowering individuals and organizations to reach their full potential.

Hele dag
Hele dag
Investering: €250
- Inschrijving voor een persoon
- Deelname aan alle workshops
- Inclusief koffiepauzes, lunch en netwerkdrink
- Gratis parking

Halve Dag
Halve Dag
Investering: €150
- Inschrijving voor een persoon
- Inclusief koffiepauze en lunch of netwerkdrink
- Gratis parking

Signatories & Members
Signatories, Leden & Ambassadors
Investering: €0-150
- Afhankelijk van de gekozen formule.